Publishing as a Learning Process
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The “New Learning @ FHNW” team met with Lucie Kolb to discuss her FHNW Fellowship project, “Critical Publishing”. “New Learning @ FHNW” is a new platform aimed at an audience invested in teaching development and serves to publicize events and results of innovative and future-oriented teaching at the FHNW and to stimulate the corresponding exchange with peers.
The FHNW Fellowship project “Critical Publishing” explores publishing as a research-based learning process where students acquire interdisciplinary skills and learn to work independently and collaboratively. The project focuses on how and for whom something is shared and how we can shape and critically reflect on the respective publishing processes. It develops teaching formats in which students, researchers, and lecturers are involved in publishing, realizing concrete projects, and collectively reflecting on the creation of publics.
You can read more about the project and watch the interview here (4min, in German):
Critical Publishing – Zeitgemässes Verständnis von Publizieren