University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)
Critical Media Lab
Building D (high-rise)
3.05 (3rd floor)
Campus Dreispitz Basel
Freilager-Platz 1
CH-4142 Basel
T +41 61 228 40 22 (Nuria Barcelo)
F +41 61 228 42 84
Take Tram 11 to “Freilager” (e.g. from “Basel SBB” main station in direction to “Aesch Dorf”). The tram stops in front of the main high-rise building.
Alternatively, take Tram 10 or Bus 36 to “Dreispitz” (10 min. walk).
The Critical Media Lab is located on the 3rd floor of the main building (high-rise).
Access to the building is restricted after the regular opening times (usually after 5 pm). Get in touch if you need access outside regular opening times.
More detailed directions on how to get to the campus (FHNW website)
The next tram stop is 50–80m away, with no larger thresholds or curbs on the way.
The main building has three large elevators.
Floors are even with no ramps or thresholds throughout the building.
There are spacious gender-neutral single restrooms available on each floor.
Doors to the restrooms and the lab are rather heavy and not automated.
The lab is dog- & child-friendly (beware of cables and loose materials). There are two low-noise meeting boxes to retreat to.
The lab is air-conditioned.
There is a small kitchen adjacent to the lab (water, kettle, microwave, fridge).
A common group size for events at the lab is 15–30 people.
Critical Media Lab
4002 Basel
Delivery address
Critical Media Lab
Freilager-Platz 1
4142 Münchenstein
Johannes Bruder, Head of Critical Media Lab.
Website maintenance and general care is done by Moritz Greiner-Petter. For any inquiries regarding the website please contact him.
Design and code by Moritz Greiner-Petter.