Research Projects
By Theme / By Date
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Governing through Design

SNSF Sinergia
An interdisciplinary study of how design has since the mid-20th century become increasingly political.
Ground Tests

SNSF Project
Studies and activities in communities of extra-disciplinary art, design, and media research.
FieldPlatform / PlataformaCampo

A research network and media platform prototype that both critiques and creates new planetary intimacies between Switzerland and Colombia.
European Forum for Advanced Practices
EU Cost Action
Research network to promote exchange on emergent forms of artistic- and practice-based research across diverse contexts.
Institutions as a Way of Life
SNSF Project
Institutions as creative practice.
Sharing Knowledge in the Arts
SNSF Project
Securing and examining a pioneering project in testing radical open access practices in the arts.
Critical FAIRness

An Exploratory Study on Open Research Data in Art and Design.
Critical Publishing

FHNW Fellowship
An exploratory study of critical publishing as a learning tool.
Teaching the Radical Catalogue

Interrogation of the prevailing practices of organizing knowledges in libraries in the Global North.
The Rewrite

The Rewrite is a digital learning framework built around annotation as a collective media practice.
Queerness as Gap

An artistic research project on how digital interfaces restrict queerness and how it can be recovered.
Head in the Cloud

A language-based artistic research project on the sociotechnical imaginaries of the Cloud in the Alps.
Climate Cosmograms

Mobilising climate-imaging practices in search of new earth imaginaries.
The Environmental Fix

Exploring how elemental media undergird processes of manipulating, engineering and “fixing” climates across geographies.
Islands of Conviviality

Islands of Conviviality is situated, collaborative research and practice.
Agri-Cultures & Elemental Exchanges

Transdisciplinary public research event and metabolic experience in Bengaluru, India.
Anthropocene Labs

Leading House Asia
Experiments into planetary learning with planet-scale food-systems and agricultural engineering.
Cycles of Circulation

SNSF Project
Analyses and creates new ways of relating to and representing ecologies and ecological awareness.
Shift Register
SNSF Project
An investigation into how human technological and infrastructural activities have marked the earth.
Visualizing the Virus

An international digital project that showcases and investigates the diverse ways in which SARS-Cov2 and the COVID-19 pandemic is visualized and the inequalities it makes visible.
Regenerative Energy Communities

Generating new and challenging perspectives on energy provision aimed at supporting socioecological transformation.
Toxic Leftovers of Collecting

SNSF Scientific Exchange
An artistic research on cleaning and handling processes of contaminated collection objects.
Times of Waste

SNSF Project
Tracing the networks of material and symbolic transformations of waste.
Spacial Perception

Cross-border everyday life seen from an interdisciplinary perspective.

SNSF Project
Esthetics of sustainablility in the Basel border area.
Systematic Discovery

History and practice of creativity and ideation techniques.
Automated Innovations

SNSF Project
Machine Arts in the 20th and 21st century and its relations to subject, medium, process, and creativity.

SNSF Project
Media infrastructures for biodiversity.
Extended Ecologies
Pro Helvetia
A joint program between Medrar for Contemporary Art Cairo and CML to facilitate ongoing critical environmentalisms between North African and European artists with XR.
On "dividing" as a term of generous contradiction, and a collective effort to situate techniques for making research public through propositions, open review and a hybrid publication.
Making Arguments with Data

FHNW Lehrfonds
Teaching project on practicing an approach to data and networks that enables a situated critique of datafication and correlationism from within.
Critical Listening to the Global South

SNSF Practice-to-Science
Decolonial intervention into sound and media studies to generate new knowledge around temporality, spatiality and subjectivities.
Architectonic Radio Explorations

SNSF Spark
Experimental design research into the ways of organising archives on radio signals.
The Sensorium of Animals

SNSF Project
Electroreception in experimental and historical media and design research.
Experimental Data Aesthetics
SNSF Project
Multi-sensory exploration of high-dimensional data sets as an issue in design research.
Augmented Space

SNSF Project
How the visibility and legibility of a place is reconfigured by the use of interactive and locative media technologies.
Scaling Material Urban Commons

SNSF Practice to Science
A speculative city-making project investigating automated logistics for commoning rescued food.
Thinking Toys for Commoning

SNSF Project
Alternative urban neighborhoods as a field of research in experimental-transformative media design.
Critical Artifacts

SNSF Project
Design as a critical mode for the reflection of information technologies.
Digital Collaboration Hubs

An interdisciplinary research project exploring the potential of Mixed Reality technologies for enriching design collaborations.
Paradigms of Ubiquitous Computing

SNSF Project
Art-based research on the intersubjective, world-constructing capacities of Ubicomp technologies.
Designed Immediacy
SNSF Project
Atmospheric experience in an affective-responsive environment.
Ubiquitous Museum
CTI Project
Ubiquitous Computing for knowledge transfer, exhibition design and museum operations.
FHNW Strategic Initiative
Exploring ways to co-design a touch panel game in the retirement home.