Founded in 2014 as an institute for research on the intersections of art, design, technologies and humanities, the IXDM was for years nearly congruent with its central hub, the Critical Media Lab. Throughout these years, the lab, as we used to call it, has steadily grown, from around 10 to meanwhile more than 25 members. Since 2019, the lab also hosts the practice-based PhD program Make/Sense.

We’re extremely excited to announce that the CML will now get a sister lab and: students! Since the start of the fall semester 2021, the restructured IXDM is the new home of HyperWerk and its BA program in Process Design. In summer, we will be joined by the MA in Experimental Design, which is an integral part of the MA program Masterstudio Design. The revamped IXDM will therefore interweave cutting-edge research with teaching across study programs from BA to PhD and Continuing Education.

The IXDM is now headed by Prof. Matthias Böttger, who is also directing HyperWerk. Johannes Bruder heads the Critical Media Lab.

You can find more information about the IXDM here.