The project Spacial Perception in the Trinational Agglomeration of Basel is a co-operation between the University of Basel and the FHNW and connected to the Pro Helvetia program Triptic – Kulturausstausch am Oberrhein (Cultural exchange in the Upper Rhine area). In two interdisciplinary teaching projects from 2013–14 different kinds of border crossing and spatial practices in the trinational area have been examined. The everyday life, routines, perception, experiences, connecting and separating phenomena were in the focus of the artistic-scientific research. The students of the Academy of Art and Design and of the Department of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology have collaboratively conducted research and thereby tested and generated (new) forms of knowledge. Transgressing disciplinary boundaries they took unknown paths of interdisciplinary collaboration using media like video, photography, sound, text, drawing etc.

Public presentations are foreseen during 2014 in various exhibition spaces in the region. A follow-up teaching project in winter semester 2014/15 will be conducted in collaboration with the Museum der Kulturen Basel to develop the topics further with the aim to include the arising projects into their permanent exhibition StrohGold.


Pro Helvetia (Triptic)
Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Department of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, University of Basel
IBA Basel 2020


IBA Basel 2020
Museum der Kulturen Basel
Freies Radio Wiesental Schopfheim/D
Haute école des arts du Rhin Mulhouse, Strasbourg/F
Université de Haute-Alsace Mulhouse/F

In cooperation with

Ina Dietzsch and Brigitte Lustenberger (University of Basel)

Do you believe what you see?
Hacking the Boundaries

Exhibition of student works from the project Spacial Perception.