Sanaz Sohrabi in conversation with Nadim Choufi
Thursday, 4 April 2024, 6pm – 8pm
HGK Basel, Studiokino
5pm – 7pm
A Darkness Shimmering in the Light
Screening + Liu Yujia in conversation with Mia Yu (joining remotely)
6:30pm – 8:30pm
A State in a State
Screening + Tekla Aslanishvili in conversation with Evelina Gambino
6pm – 8pm
Scenes of Extraction
Screening + Sanaz Sohrabi in conversation with Nadim Choufi
● All events are in person and open to the public. Three further screenings will follow in Spring 2024.
For this film screening series, we remember filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha’s provocation that “there is no such thing as documentary”. In other words, any claim for objective representation has always been a concoction, an engineered myth. These documentaries did not represent the reality of the world, but instead ushered in a world that was largely on the contrary; the ecological costs ignited by their infrastructures remain indisputable where a portion of humanity has released about 85% of the carbon that is trapped in the atmosphere, with more than half of those emissions discharged since 1989. The practice of documenting has long been intricately entangled with capital-expanding world-systems. Documentaries are not only instrumental within processes of seeing, categorizing and managing nature — they actively cut, divide, and keep relations between geographies and layers of politics separate and obfuscated.
Prompted by the challenge of bringing together what has long been kept separate, filmmakers in this series are invited to open their field notes and footnotes alongside their documentary screenings. Some of the shown films connect the historical relations and archival temporalities of documentary making to modernization and development processes that undergird these documentaries. Other films in the series will insist on the documentary form as a critical method to research burgeoning extractive frontiers, territorial transformations and infrastructural plans in wake of renewable energy demands, troubling the global north-south divide. Altogether, the film series hopes to begin composing an aesthetic vocabulary not too distant from a fire or a song.