The Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library shares ongoing works and practices emerging from the Regenerative Energy Communities project. We are artists, designers, technologists, farmers, and organisers exploring what possibilities lie in practices that aim to be regenerative. This involves experimenting with a range of different “regenerative” prototypes together with others. In the exhibition we ask, what do energy alternatives look like when we begin with the soil (humus: Latin for earth, ground) as a grounding for creative practice? How can we collectively define and cultivate a plurality of material practices of resistance, recovery, generosity, flourishing and pleasure?

AIA invited Regenerative Energy Communities as curators for their co-habitations program, which asks “How do we want to live – now and in 100 years”? It’s hard to imagine the next decade, let alone the next 100 years, amidst the backdrop of rising violence, the war in Europe, and the intensification of mining for rare earth minerals to support the so-called green transition. The Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library proposes a future-we-need for energy and agriculture that might breathe energy into the deadness of relation we find in the current moment – a future of queerer relations, resistances and refusals of redemption. We approached companions, inviting them to make forks of previous works, diagrams, zines, shared recipes, run workshops with us and lend us ferments. A community transition-infrastructure for the ongoingness of the world.

Regenerative Energy Communities welcome you to join them for the Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library.
Different to the glossy images of a smart city or urban regeneration workshop, here you will find a library full of material resistances and prototypes creeping into life, spilling over and onto one another. Become a friend of the library and loosen up your relationship to energy and agriculture. Breakaway into a fantasy of queer geochemistries, regeneration, micro energy and creative life. Co-habit practices across a range of tones. Drop-in for rest and recuperation, planning your energy giveaway projects and experimenting with regenerative energy prototypes in the making. Hang out in the free energy giveaways, seed and spore swapping, and lounge lazily in farming, reading and listening corners with cushions for star-and-tardigrade gazing. Join our Loose Energy curriculum (cooking! circuit bending! soil remediation! cruising!) and other ongoing activities that embrace the fermenting queer revolts of punk energy makings as they emerge from the living, breathing, drinking, eating, farting, composting matter we call soil, a.k.a. humus.
Opening weekend during Zurich Art Weekend Days from June 8 to June 11

Find all details about AIA’s programme during the weekend:

Exhibition Opening Night

Regenerative Energy Communities and friends welcome you to join them at the Humuspunk Library… a community transition-infrastructure for the ongoingness of the world. Become a friend of the library and loosen up your relationship to energy and agriculture, breakway into a joyful fantasy of queer geochemistries, regeneration, micro energy and creative life. The exhibition is part of the project “Co-Habitation”.
● Friday, June 9th, 18:00 – 21:00

Art + Science: Regenerative Energy Communities in conversation with Zeenath Hasan from TheDirt

There are No Clean Lines at the Edge
The initiators of the award winning project Co-Habitations introduce the Regenerative Energy Communities Collective. If we start with soil, how can we imagine cohabitations, and community transition-infrastructures to create practices that can flip paradigms, embrace grimy creativity and ferment revolt.
● Saturday, June 10th, 13:00 – 14:00

Loose Energy Curriculum Family Workshop: Electric Field with Regenerative Energy Communities

The monumental wind turbine project keeps energy-hungry racial capitalism spinning and obscures the interdependencies of agriculture, communities and energy. We ask how might we retool, rescale and reassemble renewables into regenerative contraptions for community solidarity. Kids are welcome (with adult).
● Sunday, June 11th, 11:00 – 13:00

Energy Crafting: Grow you own solar cell

23 & 24 September 2023 at We Are AIA Zurich

With 施 惟 捷 Shih Wei Chieh, Maya Minder, Wiriya Rattanasuwan, TITiPI (Femke Snelting, Martino Morandi) and Regenerative Energy Communities.

There are No Clean Lines at the Edge

Saturday, 10 June at WeAreAIA gallery Zurich

Public talk and discussion with Zeenath Hasan from TheDirt and Regenerative Energy Communities.