Keynote lecture by Irene Posch.
Teaching Artistic Strategies
Playing with Materiality, Aesthetics, and Ambiguity

The symposium will offer an opportunity to junior scholars to consider their research in terms of teaching and reflect on their contribution to knowledge by transferring research topics and methods into innovative pedagogies. Selected participants will present teaching formats that come out of their research projects. The symposium will provide a supportive environment to present their research strategies and a network platform to engage with international peers.
The symposium will take place from Monday to Thursday, 23-26 May 2022. It will include three introductory workshops offered by the organizers, twelve teaching demonstrations by selected participants, complemented by three keynote lectures by invited guests who make important contributions to the fields of artistic research and teaching. We plan to publish the outputs of the symposium in a special issue of a journal on arts and design education and artistic research.
The event addresses the challenge of transferring academic knowledge – produced in art education and practice-based research – to teaching programs, formats, and skills. We propose to focus on this challenge through experimental approaches characteristic of the research practices of the participants.
With keynotes by:
- Prof. Dr. Elke Krasny, Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
- Dr. Glen Loughran, Technological University Dublin
- Prof. Dr. Irene Posch, University of Art and Design Linz
Keynote Lectures will be in hybrid format and open to everyone. See the links in the program below for more details.
Full Programme
(All times are CET)
Monday / 23.05.2022
17:00 – 18:00, Welcome & Intro
Prof. Dr. Dorothée King
18:00 – 19:30, Keynote Lecture
“Practicing Research as Consciousness Raising: On Disruption, Mending, and Care”
Prof. Dr. Elke Krasny, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
Tuesday / 24.05.2022
10:30 – 12:00, Workshop
“Intuitive Research, Intuitive Teaching”
Prof. Dr. Dorothée King, FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Switzerland
13:30 – 17:15, Colloquium
- “Foraging as a Pedagogical Concept”, Frederiek Bennema, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- “POV as Context: Speculative Narration, Storytelling and Performativity”, Mariana Tilly, MAKE/SENSE PhD Program FHNW, Switzerland
- “Critical De-bugging Teaching Method”, Yann Patrick Martins, MAKE/SENSE PhD Program FHNW, Switzerland
- “Imagining New Ways of Representing Refugees”, Dr. Elsa Gomis, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
18:00 – 19:30, Keynote Lecture
“ARCHIPEDAGOGY. Un-Islanding artistic research and its education.”
Dr. Glenn Loughran, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Wednesday / 25.05.2022
10:30 – 12:00, Workshop
“Relying on Spontaneity”
Fatma Kargin, FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Switzerland & Justus Liebig University, Germany
13:30 – 17:15, Colloquium
- “Head in the Cloud, Hands in the Dirt”, Vanessa Graf, MAKE/SENSE PhD Program FHNW, Switzerland
- “Learning from Artists: Scaling Research in the Process of Making”, Thomas Laval, Centre d’Étude des Arts Contemporains, Université de Lille, France
- “How to Summon Images of Aesthetic Education”, Henryetta Duerschlag, Zurich Academy of Art and Design, Switzerland
- “METAPHORHEMES”, Tania Mujica-Mota, Artist, Mexico
18:00 – 19:30, Keynote Lecture
“Making Meaning. Research Through Tool Design”
Prof. Dr. Irene Posch, University of Arts and Design Linz, Austria
Thursday / 26.05.2022
10:30 – 12:00, Workshop
“How to Invite a Non-human to a Research Project”
Dr. Selena Savic, FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Switzerland
13:00 – 15:45, Colloquium
- “Writing Horizontally”, Lennart Krauß, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany
- “Tipping Points, Ambiguity and Art Education”, Marie Johanna Trautmann, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- “Researching and Reshaping Human-thing Constellations”, Annemarie Hahn, Bern Academy of the Arts, Switzerland
16.00 – 16.30 Close-up