Research Team
AI-generated portrait of Moritz Greiner-Petter, synthesised from ~10 original photos.
Research Team

Moritz Greiner-Petter

Junior Researcher / Communications

Moritz Greiner-Petter is designer and researcher at the Critical Media Lab.

In his research, he is investigating design paradigms, materialities and epistemologies of digital interfaces and their role in shaping processes of thinking, collaboration and design. His practice often revolves around the generative and infrastructuring effects of media formats, explored through experimental prototypes, interfaces, tools, websites and publishing formats.

Among other things at CML, Moritz is responsible for designing and facilitating the external communications and collaborative infrastructures of the lab. You can also contact him for any inquiries regarding this website.

● The profile image above shows a digitally synthesised portrait generated with a machine learning-based consumer image processing app. It is based on ~10 original reference photos taken between 2017–21. Facial features and proportions may appear overly idealised, partially hallucinated and adjusted to aesthetic standards inferred from the software’s training data.

A Useful Archive

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

On the design of archival interfaces and questions of access and activation of digital collections. With digital humanities researcher and designer Lozana Rossenova.

Critical by Design?

A new open access anthology on the ambivalent tensions between design and critique.


Moritz is currently doing research on the design of digital collaboration tools. His work is part of the SNSF-funded project Commons in Design, situated at the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) of HGK FHNW. You can read more about his developing experiments, concepts and reflections on the project website Telekolleg.

Introducing: The Lab Showcase