Former CML Contributor
Former CML Contributor

Bernhard Garnicnig

Bernhard Garnicnig is an artist and researcher working in the interstitial space between institutional forms, cultural industry and artists practices. His dissertation explores the relation between artists and institutions as a site where new conceptualisations of artists practices emerge. He is the founder & former Very Artistic Director of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien, a historic surface dedicated to the projection of past, present and future alike (est. 2014), the co-founder of the Bregenz Biennale, a cyclical intervention in the continuum of cultural and tourism industries in his hometown (est. 2012) and the co-founder and Director of Supergood, a consulting brand in the ambiguous field between product and performance (est. 2015).

Decolonizing Digital Archives

21–25 August 2023

Continuing Education programme on post-digital and decolonizing practices in the context of digital archives.

Decolonizing Digital Archives

Workshop as part of the Continuing Education offers of FHNW Academy of Art and Design.

Annotating, Institutions as a Way of Life

A series of workshops, discussions, and open-access readers, seeking to elaborate and explore perspectives on institutional practices.