Research Team
Research Team

Guillemette Legrand

Junior Researcher

Guillemette Legrand is an artist, designer, and researcher who documents and mobilises computational infrastructures that produce knowledge about people and the earth to question the cosmological imaginaries it naturalises. Guillemette’s work can be described as an artistic and participatory intervention of algorithmic knowledge, with the intention to re-imagine its frictions and possibilities. It often takes the shape of multimedia installations and experimental presentations, which have been developed in interdisciplinary cooperations and exhibited with/for institutions such as the V&A Museum (UK), V2_Lab for the Unstable Media(NL), ifa Gallery (DE), MU Hybrid Art House (NL), the 4th Istanbul Biennale (TR), and LUMA Arles (FR) among others. Guillemette is a PhD candidate between the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs (Paris University of Science and Letters) and the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW.