The Critical Media Lab is engaged in teaching activities within various programs of the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW.

Members of the CML are teaching and mentoring in the BA Process Design, which is located at our partner lab HyperWerk. Together with HyperWerk, we offer the MA program Transversal Design. We are also hosting the school’s PhD program MAKE/SENSE. We offer courses in the undergraduate elective course program CoCreate as well as in the continuing education program Art & Design. Our regular Colloquiums and Lab Days are open for students, educators and researchers from the school and beyond (please be in touch if you’re interested).

BA Process Design

At HyperWerk

“How can we live together?” What values and norms are invoked and how are these related to one’s own viewpoint and the realities of life? Reflecting on one’s own prejudices with regard to design practices and coming to terms with one’s own privileges are prerequisite to non-discriminatory design processes. The students analyse social transformations, traditional crafts, and new technologies, making prototypical use of the opportunities that emerge. They are encouraged to generate exemplary responses, speculative models, radical proposals and convincing alternatives in a rapidly changing world.

Matthias Böttger is head of the BA program.

MA Transversal Design

Critical Media Lab & HyperWerk

Transversal Design is a research-oriented, transdisciplinary master’s programme. On this programme students develop practices that include – alternative media, speculative models, practices of care, tools for solidarity and radical proposals for worlds in transition. Our design focus is not primarily about objects or products but on processes, modes of relating, questions of environmental-social justice, and the critical infrastructures on which we collectively depend. You will work on self-led projects mentored and supported in the Critical Media Lab and HyperWerk.

Kit Braybrooke is head of the MA program.


In partnership with University of Art and Design Linz

The MAKE/SENSE PhD program promotes practice-based research in art and design. Operating within three future-facing areas of concern: Planetarity, Materiality and Response-ability, the program focuses on the relevance and potentials of practice-based research in art and design for sociocultural, political, and ecological transformations.

The PhD program is headed by Lucie Kolb & Johannes Bruder.

Dr. Lucie Kolb appointed as new Professor of Critical Publishing at IXDM

Dr. Lucie Kolb is appointed Professor of Critical Publishing at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) at the HGK Basel from 1 January 2025, where she will be active in research and teaching and co-head the PhD programme Make/Sense.

Diskriminierungs­kritische Redaktionsarbeit

Learn how to organise editorial processes in a way that is critical of discrimination and promotes social justice, in this one-week course in February 2025. Led by guest professor Eva Weinmayr, it offers practice-orientated tools for the inclusive design of communication and publication processes.

The course is held in German. Paid programme.
Find out more and register until 27 January 2025.

«Gathering Knowledges» Day

Friday, 29 November, 10:00–17:00 at Critical Media Lab.

With contributions from Bafta Sarbo, Kevin Ochieng Okoth and other guests and reports from workshops with Eric Otieno Sumba, Ozan Güngör, Elvira Soliman and students of the BA Process Design & MA Transversal Design.

Dr Kit Braybrooke appointed as new Professor of Transversal Design

Dr Kit Braybrooke will be Professor and Head of the new MA programme Transversal Design at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) of the HGK Basel starting 1 August 2024.

Decolonizing Digital Archives

21–25 August 2023

Continuing Education programme on post-digital and decolonizing practices in the context of digital archives.

The Listening Academy Basel

28 August – 3 September 2023

Continuing Education programme on listening as a creative and critical practice, led by Budhaditya Chattopadhyay and guest lecturer Brandon LaBelle.

Decolonizing Digital Archives

Workshop as part of the Continuing Education offers of FHNW Academy of Art and Design.