Dr. Johannes Bruder studies the speculative and imaginary aspects of infrastructures – sociological models, psychological mechanisms, and affective potentials encoded in infrastructural designs ranging from algorithmic systems to financial markets to pipelines. He is currently most interested in imaginaries of energy, the physical realities that these imaginaries install, and the management of energies, physical and affective. The latter involves an interest in structures of feeling and tactics of disaffection. He has contributed to Transmediale, the Anthropocene Curriculum, the Energy Show at Het Nieuwe Instituut, among others, and his writing has been published by Routledge, MIT Press, Open Humanities Press, Valiz, and MQUP. Johannes has a strong interest in experimenting with research methods, knowledge practices, alternative pedagogies and publication formats that unsettle disciplinary paradigms and render research in the humanities operational in real-world contexts.

Dr. Johannes Bruder
Head of CML, Programming

Thursday, 27 March 2025, 18:00 at Critical Media Lab
Join us for a conversation with Karin Harrasser on situating oneself as a researcher (or artist).

Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 13:00–17:00
Algosomatic Session: how to act on a distance, to race conditions, to sleep with algorithms?
Collective workshop with eeefff.

Special issue of Brand-New-Life magazine in collaboration with the Make/Sense PhD program on academic writing as a site of struggle against attempts at formalizing imagination.
Monday, 9 December 2024, 18:00–20:00
A conversation and collective gathering that rehearses the idea of critical media & technological practices.
With inputs by Cristina Cochior, Mona Hedayati, Femke Snelting, and Johannes Bruder.

The 2nd Beijing Art and Technology Biennale – Earthwise includes a collaborative installation, including contributions by Critical Media Lab researchers Johannes Bruder, Solveig Qu Suess, and Tekla Aslanishvili.

Thu 17 – Sat 19 October 2024
HGK Basel & Freilager-Platz
Free Entry!
The public Talks & Panels program of MESH Festival, co-curated by members of IXDM Research, the Critical Media Lab and HyperWerk, revolves around the approaches to “(Re)Tooling the Future”. Tracing the (broken) links between early net cultures, metaverses, and the xtended realities of current geopolitics, the speakers and panelists revisit memory as a site of utopian futurity and potential “operating systems of a larger order” (Tara McPherson).
With keynotes and talks by Ruha Benjamin, Shaka McGlotten, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Clemens Apprich, Paco Calvo and many more. All free and open to all.

Tuesday, 7th May 2024, 14.00-17.00 (CET)
An online symposium dedicated to exploring the intersection of practice-based art research and open research data (ORD).

4th & 5th March 2024
A two-day workshop exploring a particular document in research processes, the data management plan and discussing its implications and how it could be re-imagined.

Friday, 15 March 2024, 10:00–12:30
Join the MAKE/SENSE PhD program for a discussion on Gender Stereotypes and Inclusivity in Artificial Intelligence.
With Mona Hedayati and Vagrant Gautam. Chaired by Johannes Bruder and Qingyi Ren.

Monday, December 11th 2023
Annual Research Day, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
A day of provocative joyful workshops, talks, performances, book launches, tender reading and exchange. Open to all.

Our institute and transmediale are launching a new partnership for the 2023 festival edition a model, a map, a fiction.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022
Colloquium session hosted by Anastasia Kubrak & Johannes Bruder, with guest Cara New Daggett.
Wednesday, 1 June 2022
Anti-racist practices and activism in the academy, and institutional resistances to the unsettling of its scripts and algorithms. With guest Nelly Y. Pinkrah.

The new ZfM issue X – Kein Lagebericht thematizes and explores anti-racist practice within media studies. The invited contributions engage with racist experiences and continuities at the university and attempt to define coordinates of anti-racist practice at the academy and beyond.
The entire issue is open access and features a conversation between Sarah Sharma, Nelly Yaa Pinkrah, and CML member Johannes Bruder.
Prozesse – Medien – Kreativität
4 & 5 June 2021 / Online