CML Contributor & Care Team
CML Contributor & Care Team

Prof. Dr. Lucie Kolb

Head of MAKE/SENSE PhD Program

Dr. Lucie Kolb is a scholar of critical publishing with a background in visual arts, art history, and cultural studies. Her work involves studying and producing artistic knowledge, e.g., practice-oriented writing and transversal publishing. She is interested in identifying, studying, and developing infrastructural practices with a particular focus on knowledge infrastructures such as libraries, collections and archives. Lucie works with practice-based methods, archival work, and field studies. Her research addresses hidden mechanisms and structures that create social injustice in knowledge organizations and considers how collective work on infrastructures of knowledge is foundational for common intellectual practice and proposes ways to conceptualize infrastructural imaginaries otherwise.

Since 2023, Lucie has been the principal investigator of the SNSF-funded project Sharing Knowledge in the Arts, analyzing computational infrastructural practices and articulating open sharing practices. She also was the principal investigator of the swissuniversities funded project Critical FAIRness (2023–24), an exploratory study investigating questions of “accessibility” and “re-use” regarding research data in the arts and held an FHNW Fellowship for Critical Publishing and Research-based Learning in Art and Design (2022-24). Lucie is a founding member and co-editor of the open-access journal Brand-New-Life.

At IXDM, HGK Lucie is a Professor and teaches on the MA Transversal Design. She is the Head of the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme promoting practice-based research in art and design.

Imagination as a Site of Struggle

Special issue of Brand-New-Life magazine in collaboration with the Make/Sense PhD program on academic writing as a site of struggle against attempts at formalizing imagination.

Dr. Lucie Kolb appointed as new Professor of Critical Publishing at IXDM

Dr. Lucie Kolb is appointed Professor of Critical Publishing at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) at the HGK Basel from 1 January 2025, where she will be active in research and teaching and co-head the PhD programme Make/Sense.

The Rewrite

Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 15:30–18:30

Talks & Panels

Thu 17 – Sat 19 October 2024
HGK Basel & Freilager-Platz
Free Entry!

The public Talks & Panels program of MESH Festival, co-curated by members of IXDM Research, the Critical Media Lab and HyperWerk, revolves around the approaches to “(Re)Tooling the Future”. Tracing the (broken) links between early net cultures, metaverses, and the xtended realities of current geopolitics, the speakers and panelists revisit memory as a site of utopian futurity and potential “operating systems of a larger order” (Tara McPherson).

With keynotes and talks by Ruha Benjamin, Shaka McGlotten, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Clemens Apprich, Paco Calvo and many more. All free and open to all.

IXDM Research at EASST-4S 2024 in Amsterdam
IXDM.distro at I Never Read

Join IXDM.distro at I Never Read art book fair in Basel on June 13 at 5:30 pm for a launch of the latest publications from the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures.

Centering People Over Records

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Feminist Care Ethics for a digital archiving practice. With Michelle Caswell.​​​​​​​

Rewriting FAIRness

Tuesday, 7th May 2024, 14.00-17.00 (CET)

An online symposium dedicated to exploring the intersection of practice-based art research and open research data (ORD).

Material Marion von Osten 1: MoneyNations

Friday, 5 April at pro qm Berlin

Book presention with Lucie Kolb, Jonas von Lenthe, Max Stocklosa and Peter Spillmann.

A short text paragraph printed on a coloured paper slip on a table that had been distributed alongside many other cases for a research presentation
Data Management Planning

4th & 5th March 2024

A two-day workshop exploring a particular document in research processes, the data management plan and discussing its implications and how it could be re-imagined.

Publishing as a Learning Process

Insights into the FHNW Fellowship project “Critical Publishing” seeking to implement research-based publishing in education.

Reading Group “Critical FAIRness”

Monthly online meetings from October 2023 to February 2024 to discuss selected texts dealing with the implications of open science for practice-based research in art and design.

Transverse & Timetravel

Monday, December 11th 2023

Annual Research Day, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW

A day of provocative joyful workshops, talks, performances, book launches, tender reading and exchange. Open to all.

Contribution to Workshop «A Media History in n+1 Sources»

24 November 2023, University of Basel.

sonic formations — fourth note (a sketch)

With Kabelo Malatsie, director of Kunsthalle Bern.

Thursday, 21 September, 14.00–16.00 at distro x InfoSpace Basel.

Teaching the Radical Catalogue – A Syllabus

CML invited artist Eva Weinmayr as Artist in Residence at HGK Basel @ Atelier Mondial from 11 to 17 July 2023.

Rehearsing Retreat

Publication series in the open-access journal B‑N‑L.

Edited by Claire Hoffmann, Lucie Kolb, Alicia Reymond.

A Useful Archive

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

On the design of archival interfaces and questions of access and activation of digital collections. With digital humanities researcher and designer Lozana Rossenova.

Decolonizing Digital Archives

21–25 August 2023

Continuing Education programme on post-digital and decolonizing practices in the context of digital archives.

Networking Video

One-day symposium on local video networks and pactices of video art, activism, conservation, archiving, and exhibition. With lectures, screening and panel discussion. Organized by Stefanie Bräuer & Piet Esch.

Decolonizing Digital Archives

Workshop as part of the Continuing Education offers of FHNW Academy of Art and Design.

Annotating, Institutions as a Way of Life

A series of workshops, discussions, and open-access readers, seeking to elaborate and explore perspectives on institutional practices.